For over 20 years, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have been my primary modes of medical care, helping me avoid several surgeries and a lifetime of medical problems. As I continued to learn more about TCM and other modes of care, I felt I would be well suited to treat others as well. I decided to go to school to study TCM and Acupuncture which, for me, was the perfect choice.
I specialize in Women’s Health, PMS/Menopause, Pediatrics, Anxiety/Stress Relief, Digestive Issues, Pain Management and Facial Rejuvenation.
Using Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Cupping, Electrical Stimulation and Tui-Na, I also successfully treat many other conditions including: allergies/asthma, arthritis/joint pain, common colds/coughs/flu, depression, fatigue, headaches, obesity/weight loss, skin disorders and many more.
Also, visit my facebook blog/page for health information, tips, events and more.